Information about genuine signal jamming devices for private event, office, classrooms and examination centers. Our high power signal jammers block all mobile signals of GSM, CDMA, DCS, PHS, 3G, 4G, Wifi & Bluetooth Signals. Their ON/OFF switch makes it user-friendly and is easy to install &operate.

Why cell phones jammer important? Why must you have it than the other conventional jammers?

With the arrival of the cell phone, it has become a core element of the life. The cell phone not only helps us in connecting with the people buthas become a source of entertainment and education, gradually. It is immensely needed at some momentsand barely required in the others. The Cellphone has caused an interference in the human life. With the human eyes and hands constantly glued to it, it has become difficult to part the two. Through cell phone jammer, this problem can be stopped as the jammer hinders the radio signals of the cell phone from reaching the communication tower. Thus, it makes the cell phone idle for use. The market is flooded with the cell phone jammers but it’s time to move up tothe next level, it means that you should not spend money purchasing the conventional jammers anymore. It’s time to purchase an advanced cell phone jammer- 4G cell phone jammer.

A 4G cell phone jammer, is distinct from the former cell phone jammers. It performs many functions which couldn’t be performed by other older versions of jammers. Here are the reasons why you should buy a 4G cell phone jammer.

 •    The 4G cell phone jammer range is more than the ordinary jammer’s range. Its range varies from 10 meters to 500 meters, depending upon the size of the jammer.

•    It is available in two sizes, i.e., portable and table-top style. The portable ones are mobile and can be carried to any place – home, office, business meeting etc. Whereas the table-top stylized jammers, remain fixed to one place and are immobile.

•    The 4G cell phone jammer is technically advanced. It obstructs the radio signals of  thecell phone from connecting to the base station. Hence, it makes a place “mobile-free zone”. Moreover, it jams the signals of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi also. 

•    This advanced 4G cell phone jammerworks on all types of mobile networks-CDMA, GSM and LTE. Hence, all the functions are being performed by onejammer.

•    This advanced, powerful jammer also blocks the signals of both 4G LTE and 4G WiMAX mobile networks.

The applications of this 4G cell phone jammerare more. To know better, experience it yourself. Therefore, buy an advanced-4G cell phone jammer soon.


Congton Technologies Pvt Ltd

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